Saturday, November 26, 2005


I've just watched an interview on CNN's Talk Asia with a women who's dedicated her life to helping children in this world.

A woman who survived a childhood of EXTREME poverty and horror ...and yet grew up to give so much hope to others.

It just seems like everyday lately I see more and more things in this world which make me soooo grateful for the life that I have.

I was curled up watching this interview thinking how DAMN lucky I am that my biggest worry in the world right now is not being able to choose which country I'd like to see next in the world.

MY GOD I am blessed.

And I think it's such a damn shame that half of this worlds children have to grow up being beaten, raped, or sold into slavery.....that's if they haven't starved to death first of course.

Meanwhile the other half grow up in absolute luxury by comparison and yet half of them don't appreciate what they have complaining their lives are too boring and thinking they're hard done by for not having enough money on their cellphone.

What the hell?

I mean, I am sorry about my language (grandma I really am sorry), but for FUCKS sake.

It just makes me so angry. I REALLY don't think the world should be like this.

These are CHILDREN.

There are children born everyday into lives of torture, abuse and absolute poverty.

And it's just not right.

Children are born innocent and beautiful and they deserve every chance their is in life.

I wish I knew how to give them that.

Food for thought...

Did you know Obesity is the no.2 health threat in the US?

And yet every night 85 million people in this world go to bed hungry.

That's in this world people.

This world that we share with other people for gods sakes. Human beings just like us...and they are starving.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions on what you think about that...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Please don't ever close your eyes...

I've just watched a documentary about honor killing in Pakistan. Oh my god. I mean I'd heard about it before, read about it before, seen brief reports on it.

And today I wanted so badly to change the channel, it's just such a painful thing to watch, but I wouldn't let myself because it seemed the cowardly option.

I can't live with myself in a world where I pretend not to see how others are suffering, while I'm blessed with so much.

So I sat with my cup of tea and cried while I watched.

It was just so shocking. One woman's husband came home late at night, put their children in a room, beat her with an axe handle, hung her upside down, and using a knife, cut out her eyes, cut off her ears, sawed off her nose, and with pliers in her mouth attempted to cut out her tounge so she couldn't testify.

She was six months pregnant.

Can you even imagine the pain that someone would endure in those moments?

Can you even imagine what nightmares that women must live with everyday of her life?

Can you even imagine how her children must feel not wanting to go near their mother because she's deformed and they know their father did that to her?

This woman, Zaheda, survived her husbands attack because the neighbours heard her screams....and when they saw her face they screamed.

She used to be a beautiful woman and even though she's now blind, she says she can feel people's eyes on her if she walks outside, she can hear the rumours they whisper...

Men in Pakistan were interviewed for this documentary. One of them killed his own 15 year old daughter. He said he did it for honor.

Going to court in Pakistan is almost impossible for women, there are only men in the courts and if you report a rape to the police you could be jailed for ten years for lying.

It makes me sick to watch the Prime Minister of this country being interviewed with a SMUG smile on his face and denying that honor killings even happen. What an ignorant, selfish bastard.

I can understand a difference in culture, I can understand if some cultures require certain degrees of modesty in terms of how woman dress or how they conduct themselves in public. But I don't see how ANYONE, especially an educated person, could EVER condone murder and blatant brutality.

They interviewed a wealthy educated couple from Pakistan's capital city of Karachi, where woman live in relative freedom compared to their counterparts in the country.

They say men who commit honor killings don't want woman to marry outside the family because that divides up the inheritence. He says most honor killings are performed for reasons of land and inheritence.

What a pathetic reason.

Zaheda's husbands family tried to bribe her not to go to court. The only support she had was from her brother who only earns a little, but uses all the money he has to care for his sister.

The bravery of these two people is just SO incredibly inspiring to me. They've stayed strong in their inner truth against ALL the odds life has thrown at them. You can see it in the graceful way they go about living their lives, in which they still manage to find joy in living because they get to share it with each other.

It is just AMAZING to see people with such quiet dignity and inner strength.

These people know true courage.

And that is so inspiring to me. And it's summed up I think in this qoute from Zaheda's brother...

"Honor is within. Honor is grace and humility, honor is courage and honesty. God knows the difference between those with who posess honor and those who claim it."

May we never close our eyes to the world around us, because even within the most terrible pain and tragedy can be found the greatest inspiration.

Please don't ever close your eyes...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Are you a travel Friend or Fiend?

The person you choose to take with you on holiday, whether to a farm in Taihape or the Musee d'Orsay in Paris, can make or break it. So when travelling together, are you great or do you grate?

Furthermore, people say that before you decide to marry someone, you should go on a backpacking holiday to Europe together for at least two months on a limited budget. The point is, your holiday behaviour is a good indication of what you're going to be like for the next few decades.

So do you recognise any of the following? Or maybe yourself?

Party Pete. This behaviour has a limited shelf life. A party animal for a day or two can be fun, but it does start wearing thin on day three. Even inveterate party animals should chill out after a day or two. But a holiday companion who won't let you just read your book, but insists that you boogie night and day, is a real pain in the neck. And besides, who feels like seeing your holiday destination through a permanent alcoholic haze?

Moaning Maggie. This person is a martyr who collects wrongs like others collect holiday photos. Nothing is good enough the weather, the accommodation, the itinerary. You name it. And somehow, although it is never said directly, you are somehow made to feel that it is all your fault. Everything is said in a slightly accusing tone. This companion saps your energy, is moody and just plain difficult. Avoid this person at all costs in the future. And if you're on the camping trip in Europe, don't get married to this one.

Retail Rob. Some people's idea of a holiday is traipsing from one shopping centre to the next. Checking out the shopping possibilities in a new city can be interesting for half a morning, after which one shopping centre begins to resemble the other 12 you've already been to. Unless you share an interest in shopping expeditions, ask yourself whether you feel like experiencing Europe, or America or Australia from the vantage point of hi-fi stores or souvenir shops.

Comedian Chris. This can be a delightful travelling companion, who will give a touch of lightness to the holiday. I'm not talking of the kind of guy whose idea of fun is to apple-pie your bed, but someone with a genuinely original sense of humour. Not the laugh-a-minute type, which can be exhausting, but with a good sense of humour when the occasion calls for it.

Routine Ramona. This is the person who is used to having espresso, melon and bran at precisely 7 am every morning and gets very irritable when the motel in downtown Alabama is unable to provide it. Or who must phone home at noon every day, or get to bed at precisely 10.15 pm, come hell or high water - despite the fact that there was a potentially interesting double-date lined up for the evening.

Chatterbox Charlie. Non-stop talking can drive you crazy. Try and listen to someone talking for 18 hours straight and see your mouth starting to froth. It is also interesting that people who talk incessantly are all notoriously bad listeners. Trying to get a word in edgeways is a bit like shouting against a full-force Southeaster. The chatterbox is an onslaught on your senses don't take this person on holiday again.

Freeloading Fred. This person has expensive taste and likes going to trendy places. But when it comes to paying, the money is never quite forthcoming. Great promises are made about repayment at some unspecified future date, but somehow this just never arrives. Don't go on holiday again with this person unless you are prepared to foot the bill for two.

Fashion Fifi. This is a tiresome companion indeed. Huge amounts of luggage contain endless changes of outfits and hours are spent daily on the hair and general appearance, while you are in the foyer tapping your foot, because you want to get to the Taj Mahal or the Tower of London. As long as you're reasonably clean and not too untidy on holiday, what does it really matter what you look like?

Absentminded Abby. A day before you're due to leave, she loses her passport, or mislays her traveller's cheques or loses the reservation sheets for the game reserve. She is also the one who is likely to leave her purse in the beach caf or make you miss a train, because she had the time wrong. You will spend lots of time standing around waiting for this one. It is a bit like being on holiday with a kid that needs looking after.

Neurotic Nick. This is the one that is sure he's going to get malaria, even though you're 100 km away from a malaria area. Whose slight headache is spoken of as a migraine, and who visits the chemist in every town you pass through. Every morning he/she wakes up, you get a rundown on the body part that is causing a problem that day. The biggest part of this person's luggage is a medicine chest. Given sufficient light, you are sure that the contents of this chest would enable a doctor with no other equipment to do an appendectomy on a kitchen table.

Stick-around Sally. This is potentially the most aggravating travelling companion. This is the person who will not let you out of their sight, even if you don't share the same interests or want to visit the same museums, galleries, cinemas or beaches. By traipsing along in your wake, this person manages to spoil everything for you by looking bored and disinterested. But s/he, will not venture off on their own, even for a morning. Possibly because along with being insecure, they also don't have many interests of their own?

Foodie Fred. You're going on holiday to relax, but this companion is obsessed with filling his/her stomach. Two hours after you've eaten a big meal, their stomach is rumbling. You find that the focus of your holiday becomes takeaway joints, restaurants and supermarkets. Not quite what you had in mind. You would have been quite happy with bananas, cheese and crackers. But it was not to be.

Boozing Billy. This is the holiday companion from hell the one who vomits in hotel rooms, who gets into bar fights and who spends his entire travelling allowance on booze. You are maligned for not becoming a fellow-boozer, for being a spoilsport and for moaning about the constant alcoholic excesses. And no, he doesn't remember the girl whom he told she looked like a fat crocodile, because he was way past it at that point. You had to sort it out. Billy doesn't need a holiday, he needs rehab. Leave him there next time.

Snoring Samuel. Holidays are times to relax, but how can you, with this chainsaw that starts up every night? You lie there and curse, but the point is, you're not getting enough sleep. Sammy can't really help it, though. Get earplugs, get another room if possible, but don't do him bodily harm. It's not really his fault.

Big-spender Bob. Your holiday budget is limited, but your companion insists on eating out constantly, and we're not talking takeaway joints. Or while you are quite satisfied with a modest B+B, this one wants something with room service and a marble bath. In a way this is your fault as well, because you should clear up details like budgets before you hit the road.

Control-freak Kate. Everything, from where you go, where you stay, how you get there, what you do every day, has to be 100% under the control of this companion. You can either just give in and go with the flow, or you can start a battle for control that will last the entire holiday. You'll be exhausted when you get home this wasn't a holiday, it was a battle for supremacy. Why do this to yourself?

Go-go-go Gary. This is the one who has already run 10 km by the time you roll bleary-eyed out of bed. And who packs the daily programme so full of activities, you need a week to recover once you get home. Isn't it better to see three places properly than six in a hurry? For this person there is no such thing as an early night, or a late morning. It's go, go, go all the way. Going away with this person feels more like an endurance marathon than a holiday. Don't repeat the experience.

Go-with-the-flow Jo. This is the type of holiday companion that is scarce. Hang on to him/her if you can for life. This person doesn't make waves, is not unrealistically demanding, takes things as they come, has a sense of humour, doesn't hold you responsible for everything, takes a bit of initiative and is mostly in a good mood. In short, s/he allows you to relax and have a good time. Whether you are stuck in a station in Tokyo, or waiting for the AA between Greymouth and Christchurch, this will be a good person to have with you. You go your own way when necessary and this person is reliable and punctual, without being dull or boring. This is someone with whom you should probably consider sharing more than one holiday.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Say whaaat?

Today my friend Aki took me to a local university open day kind of thing to see a SIGN LANGUAGE SONG.

I myself was a bit confused as to how sign language actually classifies as singing as you may also be wondering....what with all the silence and all!

As it turns out, the people singing were of hearing ability and sang to aloud to music while well... also sang... with their hands.

And it was one of the most beautiful and inspiring things I've ever seen.

Of course hearing the words of the song made no difference to me as it was all in Japanese, but my deaf friend tells me the key to learning sign language is imagination. And that's one thing I've always had in plentiful supply :)

God it was just such an enlightening experience though. I mean there's this WHOLE WORLD out there that we hearing people just have no idea about and yet everyday deaf people have to acheive the same tasks as us.

Like when they are waiting at the train station and if there weren't mini electronic schedules down on the platforms they wouldn't know when the next train was or where it was going because they can't hear the announcements.

And the more I thought about it, thats kind of what living in Japan has been like for me. I can hear, but when I first arrived in Japan I didn't understand a lick of what the announcements were and every excursion involved me using some form of my own personally invented sign language in order to communicate with the natives.

SOOOO I'm going to start learning Japanese and American Sign Language while I'm here (Japanese sign language is as different to American sign language as the spoken Japanese (Nihongo) is to English) and continue to learn ASL when I return home to New Zealand.

I'm hoping if I start learning now I might be able to use in future for working with disabled children, which is what I've decided I'd like to do.

Amazing how some things in life just fall into place so easy if you're meant to do them isn't it?

I dunno if there's much money it, but they say if you do what you love then you'll be successful and at least I'll enjoy every day at work and that's important to me.

Anyway, that's my big news for today, the Uni festival itself was great - everyone stares even more now my hair is shorter and very curly again, but that's ok coz they're all sooo nice to me because of it :)

Tried Chinese and Korean food today too and am working myself up to try Octopus balls when I head down to Osaka at the end of the month - can't believe how brave I'm getting - I never would have tried these such things when I first got here!

Not as brave as my friends who ate live beating cobra heart and drank snake bile in Vietnam though - they didn't serve that in the town we went to... unfortunately!

Oh remind me to tell you the stories I've heard about toilet conditions in China one day too - all I can say is I'm damn glad I came to Tokyo!

Righto, I've got to get to bed coz i'm off to the motoshow at the crack of dawn tomorrow and it's a national holiday so it's gonna be a madhouse, but the kind of experience that can only be had in Tokyo!

Honestly, it's hard to explain the crowds here unless you see them yourself, but I've my crash helmet and shoulder pads all packed and ready to wear tomorrow if that's any indication! :)

Take Care and enjoy your week,


p.s. did you know that there are actually full on deaf music concerts? Well there are in Japan at least. It's for both hearing and deaf, but the words are signed by the singers as well as sung aloud. Amazing.