Sunday, January 29, 2006

One small moment in time

Just been for my morning run and suddenly got sad knowing I'll be leaving soon.

Everything I see these days I think it might be the last time in my life I see these places and it's sad coz this place has really become like home to me now.

At the park I was soaking up the scenery wondering if I'll ever live anywhere again where it snows at my front doorstep.

Thats life though i guess. It's a continuous journey and every place you live you can always take the memory of it with you.

I've learnt that anywhere your heart is you can make it home.

Funny that. This year has been one of the toughest I've ever had and yet I've learnt more in that short space of time than in most of my life so far.

It's amazing how the toughest times in our lives are the ones where we learn the most.

And I'm lucky that I've never really known tough times in my life compared to others. I'm very, very lucky and I'm thankful for that every day.

That everyone I love and care for is happy and well and safe.

I was watching a little sparrow skating around on the ice on the lake and it made me laugh.

He had the whole pond to himself and was having the time of his life just running along and then skating for a bit, running and skating again.

It was so peaceful to watch and that's what I love about nature. It brings you back to the essence of life.

We don't need as many 'things' as we think we do to survive.

When you spend time just chilling in nature you see that everything has a place, it all fits somewhere and animals are great at just going about their business without worrying about what anyone thinks of them or what others are doing.

They're not worrying that Mr Sparrow down the road has a flasher nest than them or smoother wings.

They're just being them and they're happy to let others be the same.

Everyone just going about their business and respecting others rights to do the very same.

If only humans could be like that eh.

I might not be able to change the world, but I CAN do my small part by making the most of everyday and to trying to be the best person I can be to myself and to others.



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