Catch up....
Hello again! Bet you didn't think I'd be writing again so quick huh, but realise it is probably time I caught up on what's bin happening since I got here and what the last five weeks have bin like.
My god only five weeks, MAN it feels like a lifetime! But then i guess life has been a little different from the ordinary for the past month - probably should make the most of it or might be complaining I'm bored soon!
Don't think there's too much chance of that happening tho, haven't even cracked the tip of the japanese iceberg yet and there's only 11 months left to do it in! Was talking to someone who's been here for nine years today too and she says that's why she's bin here so long because you're always finding somewhere you haven't been to or something you haven't tried.
AND it's pretty hard to get settled. I mean I know my way around my little beaten path fairly well now, but it doesn't pay to lull yourself into a sense of security, because as soon as you go off that path it's touch and go wether you'll find your way home again.
But you know what, that's what I like about this place and it's why I wanted to come here, for the challenge.
I HATE it too though, but everytime I sort myself out and do overcome the challenge I feel stoked and each time I do I know my way around a little better.
That's the cool thing about being here, it's SO different that I learn something new every single day and even the smallest task can turn into an adventure!
I guess it's hard to describe what I'm talking about without being here (but hey you're all welcome to visit anytime!) and I could waffle on forever so in the interests of keeping this short I've decided to cut and paste some emails to friends into the next few following BLOG entries to give you some idea of what the first month here has been like.
Hopefully once we're all up to speed I can just write small BLOGS when I think of it - like my journey home on the train tonight! - but, back to the beginning first.
Here goes.....
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